Personal Archive // Our Scotland Trip
I have been wanting to go to Scotland for as long as I can remember. Something about it feels wholesome, homey, and familiar. But yet, still very challenging and wild. Scottish people also seem to have fire about them too I can really resonate with and take a lot of comfort in even though I have never once set foot on these lands until fall of 2023. Weird right?
Last time we made it over to the UK was 2018. At the time, Leo was only 2!! And it had been his second visit then. So, after 5 years, we finally got a chance to go back to the UK and had full intention on changing things up for this first visit back after so long! So, we took 2 weeks off and planned for the whole first week to be spent road tripping through Scotland, then to take a train down to Kent, England to visit family for the whole second week of our time there. And honestly, it certainly turned out to be one of our favorite trips ever. So much so, we actually vlogged this trip! And it was the first time we ever did so!! (you’ll see a link to view and play the video at the bottom of this post!!)
For our time in Scotland, we took a fast train from London up to Edinburgh, stayed there for 3 nights. And then rented a car to take all around the highlands! Our route went from Edinburgh - Balmoral Castle - Inverness - Loch Ness - Isle of Skye - Fort William - and finally Loch Lomund. We did all of those destinations in 4 days staying in a new place every night just taking in as much of Scotland as we possibly could. After our last night in Loch Lomund, where we then returned our car to Glasgow, grabbed another train back down to London, and then out to Canterbury to finish out the rest of our week visiting family throughout Kent :)
Paul ended up spending his birthday on this trip hiking up to a view point to get up close to Ben Nevis (the tallest mountain peek in the UK) and later I got to spend my own birthday having a day trip in London! It was all our first time in Scotland too so getting to experience this new for us country altogether as a family was extra special too. This was a really special one for us that really awakened us in a lot of ways and honestly? I truly won’t ever forget it.
While prepping all these images for this blog post this song came on my playlist and it really feels like this trip for me :’) so press play and enjoy going down memory lane with me and some of my favorite snaps from this beautifully rugged and unique country.
Listen to the song on Spotify: Warm with you by Hayden Calnin

And as promised, here’s the vlog I put together of our time in Scotland! I honestly can’t believe this is the first time I’ve ever officially “vlogged” one our trips. But so happy I did. I will definitely need to do more of these in the future :) be prepared though, it’s a long one! Buckle up and enjoy our chaos <3